The ECN Football Academy is set to proceed on its annual holiday break following a year-end celebration scheduled for December 22. The academy’s captain, Abdulahmed Rufai, confirmed that the team has finalized plans for the traditional event, which serves as a moment of reflection, gratitude, and preparation for the upcoming year.
“It has been our tradition to host an end-of-year get-together to thank God for a successful football season, assess our achievements, and set new targets,” Rufai explained.
The event will include a ceremonial match among players, refreshments, and a review of the team’s progress toward its goals. It will also provide an opportunity to address shortcomings and strategize for the next season.
This year, team members have collectively pledged contributions to cover the event’s expenses. The academy has extended an invitation to management to attend the celebration, while also requesting their support to make the event memorable.
“We deeply appreciate the unwavering support of the management throughout the year and remain ever grateful,” Rufai added.
The academy will resume training in January, with the exact date to be confirmed during the event. The get-together promises to strengthen team spirit and set the stage for another successful year ahead.